Invite to Meditation Interview

A precious part of being on the spiritual path is to have a relationship with an authorized Meditation Teacher. Students are encouraged to meet with a Meditation Teacher every two months at a minimum (or however often that would be of benefit) for a personal chat about their meditation practice and the challenges of manifesting the teachings at home and in the world. There is no obligation for you to do so. If you would like to meet with me, Fern LaRocca, please click on this link and add your name to the 50-minute time slot and date that is good for you. You will get a reminder notice and instructions if you need to cancel. If you are not comfortable on the computer, you can also call me at 415-819-3065 and leave a voicemail message with a date and time that will work for you, and I will get back to you. I look forward to helping you progress along the path.

With Compassion, Fern.